19 April 2024
Chicken and Fish…No chips till June!
10 eggs arrived on Monday, delivered by farmer Jane who explained to us how to care for the eggs and the eventual chicks.
From September 2024 we are offering after school care to children attending Thornton Heath Nursery School. Please call the school office for more information on 020 86840494 or click here
10 eggs arrived on Monday, delivered by farmer Jane who explained to us how to care for the eggs and the eventual chicks.
Today was national “Wear a Hat” day and the children at Thornton Heath Nursery School embraced this with style whilst donating an item of food for the St.
Our final week before the Easter break has been busy one.
To mark the official “first day of spring” we held a spring creativity event last week.
On Monday we returned to nursery to see unprecedented growth in the THNS greenhouse.
This week’s rain has been collected and stored… allowing our pots and seedlings to be watered the natural way!
This week the children made chocolate muffins. The children had to count cups of flour, sugar and cocoa powder, they then had to mix them altogether.
It has been an exciting week for Ladybird class. We have had World Book Day and have been preparing for a special day on Sunday for our mummy’s and carers.
This week we celebrated our first germination! The mixed lettuce seeds and radishes have germinated… stand by for more developments next week!
From September 2024 we are offering after school care to children attending Thornton Heath Nursery School. Please call the school office for more information on 020 86840494 or click here
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