19 October 2021
Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf!
Over the last two weeks, the children have been very busy.
Please contact the school office to organise an appointment to visit the nursery. You can pick up an application form when you visit. Our spaces fill up very quickly so it is best to complete an application form as soon as possible.
Over the last two weeks, the children have been very busy.
Every NHS mental health trust in London has put a 24/7 crisis telephone line in place so that children, young people and their families can get free help, advice and urgent medical health support.
This week the children have been enjoying reading, retelling and performing the classic, “We’re Going on Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.
This week we have been focusing on numerical patterns. The children were asked by an adult to either do insert puzzles or the matching flower cards.
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission are carrying out an inspection of the London Borough of Croydon’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of, and improving outcomes for, children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Once again you have amazed us with your generosity as we raised just over £112.00 for Macmillan.
We have been taking part in lots of exciting activities to do with jungle animals such as making our chosen animal.
This week the children have been “Walking Through the Jungle” with Debbie Harter’s beautifully illustrated book.
This week, the children have been very busy. We have read the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’.
Please contact the school office to organise an appointment to visit the nursery. You can pick up an application form when you visit. Our spaces fill up very quickly so it is best to complete an application form as soon as possible.
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