03 February 2025

Getting ready to Party

As a healthy community, we discuss balancing our diets and activities. Sometimes, it’s time for action; running, climbing and jumping…at other times it’s good to take things slowly and measured; to enjoy some peace and recharge our batteries.

When it comes to food, we are “Rainbow Children” everyday; eating a range of fruit and vegetables in a range of rainbow colours, ensuring we get all the different vitamins and minerals our growing bodies need…However, part of living in balance means sometimes it’s time for a treat!

During festivities, the children will vote on which treat to make and bake as a team; from chocolate bubble bread to lemon drizzle cake.

Prior to our Lunar New Year festivities, we surveyed each other in order to choose both which treat food, and which rainbow vegetables we should add to our noodle dish.

Through our established surveying activity, we develop expressive language, listening and understanding, further thinking and talk around  subjects; in this case around healthy foods and healthy frames of mind.

The activity also develops numerical skills including analysis, and provide a further opportunity to be a part of a democratic process. Children are enthused as their mark making and name writing, their voice and ideas all have a clear purpose and outcome.

Preparations for the Lunar New Year celebration got underway on Tuesday with cake batter mixing and cake baking. In the Nursery Room, we bake “in the round” with the bowl being passed from child to child. The process is active and energetic, rather than a Delia Smith tutorial from the front of the room. We gain vital practise of turn taking, cooperation and learning through observation and engagement with  our peers.

Wednesday saw chocolate melting, broccoli chopping and of course…Party Time!

In other news, the children enjoyed observing Jay and the boys spread cement for the new shed base. We noticed he was using sand just like we do in our work and play. He spread the sandy ballast with great skill, something we will be recreating next week. Jay also gave us some beautiful cherry tree logs for our digging area. Could they be table tops or chairs for the busy diggers to relax?

Goldsworthy inspired creations adorned The Sunshine Room once more, consolidating work and experiences from last week…The photos speak for themselves!

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Published on 3rd February, 2025

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