11 October 2024
Bubble Mixing Bubble Blowing
This week, the staff and children entered a brave new world of bubble production!
Please contact the school office to organise an appointment to visit the nursery. You can pick up an application form when you visit. Our spaces fill up very quickly so it is best to complete an application form as soon as possible.
This week, the staff and children entered a brave new world of bubble production!
This week, the last of our garden’s produce was put to good use.
This week’s torrential rain could not dampen the children’s spirit of adventure.
This week chillies and tomatoes were harvested from our growing area and eaten.
This week we welcomed new children into the THNS community. What better way to do it than with a pizza party!?
The children and adults returned from their long summer break with a spring in their step and ready to play!
Wilting leaves left us with no choice but to have an emergency potato harvest this week.
This week the children made a bumper batch of bubble bread dough in group time.
This week the children stayed cool in the summer heat with Maria’s river, water jets and paddling pools.