24 November 2023
Sand Shifters, Domino Players, Bubble Bread Bakers!
This week our wheels were put away for most of the week to encourage our keen balance bikers to spread their wings and investigate other aspects of our garden.
We are currently recruiting for an Early Years Educator and a Teaching Assistant to join our vibrant nursery. For more information click here
This week our wheels were put away for most of the week to encourage our keen balance bikers to spread their wings and investigate other aspects of our garden.
Last week saw… Jackie’s popcorn machine in action, giving the children the chance to practise our favourite “Popcorn Kernels” song as well as enjoy a delicious treat.
Today was a double celebration as it was National Kindness Day and National Odd Sock Day!
This week the Ladybird class have been very busy. As you know it was Guy Fawkes night on Sunday and we were talking about fireworks whilst the children were doing their splatter painting to represent the sparkly fireworks in the sky.
This was our first festival week this half term. Sunday will see millions of people all over the world celebrating Diwali and the forces of good overcoming and triumphing together!
This week the children’s adventure continued come rain or shine! With the last of our sunflower seeds and runner beans collected, and the vegetables chopped and eaten, the snails have been given free reign of the flower beds and green areas.
This week the children in Ladybird’s have been learning the concept of the number six.
Our last week of the half term was accompanied by gingerbread treats.
Some of the youngest children in Thornton Heath proudly delivered our Harvest food collection to the St Albans food bank today.