09 December 2021
A list for Santa!
This week the ladybird children have been focusing on making lists, this has helped them develop their mark making skills, giving meaning to the marks they have made.
Please contact the school office to organise an appointment to visit the nursery. You can pick up an application form when you visit. Our spaces fill up very quickly so it is best to complete an application form as soon as possible.
This week the ladybird children have been focusing on making lists, this has helped them develop their mark making skills, giving meaning to the marks they have made.
This week our book of the week was “Lima’s Red Hot Chilli” a firm favourite amongst children and staff!
In Ladybird class we have been reading the ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and we have been doing lots of different activities around this story.
This week our art work has been inspired by Shozo Shimamoto who was a Japanese artist.
This week our book of the week was “Mix it Up!’
In our pre-nursery this week we have been focusing on developing our knowledge of number sense.
We have started the second half of our autumn Term with a Diwali celebration.
This week the children have been celebrating Diwali. We have been reading the story of Rama and Sita and we have been watching some Diwali celebration videos.
This year we have launched our Gold award initiative which focuses on celebrating successes based around the characteristics of effective learning.