22 May 2024
Marvellous messiness!
Today we held a parent and child messy play event. The event was supposed to be about outdoor learning but the weather put an end to our planned event.
Please contact the school office to organise an appointment to visit the nursery. You can pick up an application form when you visit. Our spaces fill up very quickly so it is best to complete an application form as soon as possible.
Today we held a parent and child messy play event. The event was supposed to be about outdoor learning but the weather put an end to our planned event.
Our Courgettes have flowered with two beautiful, big, yellow blooms. They have done so just in time for our resident miner bees who have been busy digging their burrows at the very rear of the playground.
The children have continued to look at and discuss mini-beasts this week.
The children have had a cooking day this week and between us we made Vegetable burgers.
Maria led the first planting back in March and this week the radishes were harvested, washed, chopped and tentatively nibbled by some of the children…unfortunately they were rough, tough and given a resounding thumbs down from all who tried them!
As our eldest children continue their last term at Nursery, they have undertaken the responsibility of looking after another intake of children who have turned three within the last 12 weeks.
We have continued to read the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.
The bubble bread bakery was up and running this week. The children measured, mixed and collaborated as finely as ever; passing the mixing bowl around the circle and ensuring all have the opportunity to contribute to our snack time treat.
Welcome back to our returners and welcome to our new Ladybirds.