24 September 2024

Becoming more independent

We are still settling new children into the nursery and our returning children are doing a wonderful job of making the new children feel welcome.

This week we have been exploring all the different activities that are on offer. The children are learning the routines of the day which are often very different to the routines at home. They have learnt that they need to put an apron on before painting or playing in the water, if they take a box of toys out then they have to remember to put it back when they have finished and we all help at tidy up time. The children understand that they need to sit at the table when eating their snack and are given a choice if they would like a healthy snack or not, being encouraged to choose fromĀ  a selection of fruit or vegetables.

We have been getting very active this week as there has been an obstacle course set up in the garden. We have learnt how to balance, jump and step up, for small children just doing these simple task can be very scary but they all had a try and were very happy when they succeeded. Well done everyone.

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Published on 24th September, 2024

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