27 September 2024

Cake-tastic Macmillan event

The Macmillan coffee and cake event has been a long standing tradition at Thornton Heath Nursery School as we recognise that not only does it raise money for this service but it is also a chance for families to come together to make a difference.  We are also conscious that many of our families in the nursery have either been supported by Macmillan or have friends that have been supported by Macmillan. We challenge ourselves to raise slightly more each year and this year the families at the nursery have surpassed our hopes having donated over £200 today!  We have never raised this amount before and we would like to thank all of you that participated. It has come to light that we have some very talented bakers and we really appreciate the time and effort that it must have taken you to create such beautifully crafted cakes. We would also like to thank those of you that took the time out of your busy lives to purchase cakes and donate.  Without your support we would not have raised this fabulous amount.

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Published on 27th September, 2024

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