01 April 2022
Spring cleaning!
Well, it seems we spoke too soon with regard to Spring’s arrival!
Please contact the school office to organise an appointment to visit the nursery. You can pick up an application form when you visit. Our spaces fill up very quickly so it is best to complete an application form as soon as possible.
Well, it seems we spoke too soon with regard to Spring’s arrival!
This week the children in ladybird class have been preparing gifts for mother’s day, we have made special cards creating flowers using our hands and tissue paper for the petals.
This week, our chicks having developed more and more each day became strong enough to come out of their box for some exercise.
This week has been a magical one for children and adults alike.
Last Friday we all wore our pyjamas to school to help raise money for Comic Relief.
Join Jenette as she reads the story of Peace at Last by Jill Murphy Poor Mr.
What a wonderful Wednesday we have had. For the first time this academic year we invited our parents all the way in to the nursery so that they could find out more about their children’s learning from the children themselves.
This week the ladybird children have enjoyed completing the obstacle course negotiating their way over the A-frame, along the planks and through the tunnel.
This week the children have been incredibly creative as always. Over the course of the week a mountain has risen from the recycling box….