22 April 2020
Hello from the THNS staff
Dear THNS children and families, We are all missing you very much during this time and we have been thinking about you all every day.
Please contact the school office to organise an appointment to visit the nursery. You can pick up an application form when you visit. Our spaces fill up very quickly so it is best to complete an application form as soon as possible.
Dear THNS children and families, We are all missing you very much during this time and we have been thinking about you all every day.
Despite the very unusual circumstances we hope that you have had a good Easter at home, hopefully following the guidance about staying at home but enjoying some old fashioned family time?
Today we have opened a new email address for you to use to keep in touch with us.
The Croydon Early Years team have provided us with a list of suggested websites , apps and activities that you might find useful in the forthcoming weeks.
Update #4 – 22/03/2020 Please click here for the latest Coronavirus response (COVID-19) from Pegasus Academy Trust and Thornton Heath Nursery.
Today all the children participated in a variety of different sporting activities in order to raise money for Sports Relief.
As part of our ongoing theme on ‘People Who Help Us’ this week we have been focusing on doctors, nurses and hospitals.
It was really lovely to see everyone dressed as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day.
To celebrate World Book Day we have had a whole week of activities based around our children’s favourite stories.