11 October 2024

Budding Artists

We have been learning about the artist Kandinsky who worked in an art style called Expressionism.  Expressionists wanted to use art to express their feelings and emotions, usually through bold use of line and colour.  Using one of Kandinsky’s colour studies “Square with Concentric Circles” as a starting point the children have been exploring and creating circles.  The children were given coloured pens and paper and invited to draw circle shapes, this was modelled by an adult first. The children have done some amazing works of art, some covered the whole page and some just did something little. This builds the children’s motor skills, developing strength through holding and controlling the pens.  We will be displaying the children’s work as always. In doing so we demonstrate to our little ones that their work is valued, celebrated and looks stunning! If you have time, please pop in to see Thornton Heath’s latest exhibition!

This week, we have been listening to the children in the garden next door play lots of new musical instruments…This has inspired the children to make their own music using the pots and pans from the mud kitchen. The children took it upon themselves to turn the bowls and saucepans over and create their own rhythms using spoons, sticks and brooms. This was loud… but they had so much fun it has been decided that next week we are going to ask the big class to come and join us for a big band performance!

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Published on 11th October, 2024

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