14 June 2024

To the moon we go!

This week Ladybird class have continued to read the story ‘Whatever next’, and have taken part in many activities around the story. This week, we have made a giant rocket from a large cardboard box. The children chose the colours blue and yellow to paint it before adding from a selection of recycled materials; from bottle lids to silver paper to paper plates. The children attached these items with sticky tape and glue giving them a good opportunity to develop fine motor strength and skill.

Props from the story have been available for independent access and retelling of the story in their own words and in their own way, with changes to the story encouraged. Which foods would they take for their lunar picnic? Which animal might join them o their journey?  This has helped the children’s thinking skills and decision making. As the children grow they will have to use these tools more often so this activity is helping them to get a head start. We have finished the week off by having a little picnic like baby bear had in the story and the children really enjoyed this.

As always, we have been looking at small quantities of objects to develop the children’s early maths skills. We received a new set of maths resources this week which are very colourful and inviting. The children had the opportunity to count, identify numbers and sort colours. One task for the children was selecting a small amount of objects from a group, this develops not just number but also communication and language skills.

The Ladybird class had their photos taken today and were very sensible whilst waiting for their turn and gave the biggest smiles to the photographer when having their photo done. Well done children.

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Published on 14th June, 2024

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