24 May 2024

Slimy Snails Outside, Slimy Hands Inside

This week our greenhouse was emptied of seedlings and small plants. Carrots, corn, sunflowers, chard, salad of all varieties, tomatoes, beans, strawberries and chillies have been planted outside to face the snails and elements for the rest of the summer term.

The Nursery room has been a messy play extravaganza, with parents dropping in to take part on Wednesday.

Maria’s Windows- about as far from window cleaning as you can get- offers children a shared sensory experience with hands, fingers, entire bodies and mark making tools dipped in foam and applied to the glass with abandon!

Helen’s Slime is ever popular as the concoctions change state throughout the week and become very different; from a sticky goo to a rubbery, stretchy lump of rubber… the slime never disappoints and gives our young scientists a platform from which to test and observe.

Jody set up a giant mark making experience in the sunshine room- huge rolls of wall paper mean children are not just exercising their fine motor muscles and skills but also their gross motor- with gigantic movements creating spirals, shapes , lines and letters.

As our elder children prepare to move on to Reception class Karen has initiated her tidy up teams- elder children taking responsibility not just over their own input to Nursery life but also setting an example and guiding the younger children.  Preparing children for responsibility and leadership.

One week off for half term before the second half of the  Summer term commences. This means outdoor wood working, extended water zone and the harvesting of our first crops of potatoes, raspberries and hopefully much more…fingers  crossed the snails and birds take their share and leave a little for us!

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Published on 24th May, 2024

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