15 September 2023

We are back

Welcome back to the Nursery this means welcoming back old friends and making new ones, as children join our community for their early years education. The children brought the heat with them, so cooling off with lots of water play has been the order of the past two weeks.

The children have been very busy. They have been learning the routines of the day and exploring their environment. They have been learning about the differences between big/small and how to sort items into different categories for example by colour or sameness.

The children have had the opportunity to do some cooking this week. They made scones to have for their snack, through this activity they have had to listen well, follow instructions and get physical by rolling and cutting the dough. The children enjoyed this activity and were all able to complete it from start to finish. It is important for children to experience cooking activities as it gives them the understanding of the process of how things are made by combining different ingredients but best of all eating it when it was baked. They have also learnt that you need to wash your hands before handling food and that the oven is very hot so an adult needed to use this or they need to be supervised by an adult, never touch or go near the oven children.

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Published on 15th September, 2023

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