26 May 2023

Sunflowers, Slime and Sunshine

The garden at Thornton Heath Nursery School is now in full bloom. Our planters are in flower and our wild seed areas have indeed gone wild!  Our potato planter bags have been topped up with soil once more, as the leaves grew higher than the soil line. They have been watered on Friday to ensure we have enough potatoes for a Potato Wedges and Ketchup party for 100 children in 4 weeks time!

Several of our Sunflower seedlings have been replanted in our sink planter. The children carefully removed them from their pots, observing their roots and ensuring that the roots were recovered in their new homes. In group time, the children learnt about the role the roots play; taking in water and nutrients as well as supporting the plant or “gripping” on to the soil.

The children have been watching the hover flies and bees visiting the garden.  Several bees have been rescued from our shelter area and the children have been practising staying still, in the hope that the hover flies will use them as a perch from which to rest.

In messy play, we had slime and shaving foam, with lots of sensory and mark making opportunities.

The bikes were put away for most of the week to allow the children the space to explore the balancing and small climbing equipment. In our garden, we have the best playground in Thornton Heath, featuring the very best big climbing equipment… However, our small climbing and  balancing equipment forms a circuit and gives our children the chance to experiment with new ways of moving and scaling; crossing and spinning on poles, beams and planks.

Half term is here and as our garden gets a week’s break from busy feet and hands….will our plants survive a week of unchecked snail action?! Only time will tell!

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Published on 26th May, 2023

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