02 February 2024

Walking Through the Jungle What Do I See?

This week the children have been looking at and talking about the different animals that are in the jungle. The children have been comparing the different sizes of the monkeys, tigers and elephants and they have been sorting them into categories. The children have been making pictures of the different animals using textured materials and feeling them as they chose what they wanted to use.  Adults have been able to introduce lots of new words to the children for example, fluffy, hairy, tickly, soft and many more. This helps the children to build up a bank of words to use in further conversations. The children have also been watching video clips about the jungle animals and they saw the different way the animals move, some fast, slow, climb and jump. They have also been learning the different sounds the animals make and have been singing some favourite rhymes about the jungle.

The children did some yoga this week, we use Cosmic Yoga as they adapt it for children and tend to do lots of different themes around popular stories or rhymes that the children know. We all had lots of fun doing this as we had to move our bodies in so many different positions.

The children’s role play area has been a shop all week and the children have really enjoyed this. The have been able to play the role of a customer or a shop keeper. Through this play the children have been given the opportunity to learn some maths by counting money, mark making by writing shopping lists, turn taking and waiting for a turn and lots more from our curriculum we follow.

The children have had a cooking day this week and between us we made cheese straws. The children had to count out the number of spoons of flour and cheese, they had to weigh out the butter and mix ingredients all together to form a dough. The children rolled their piece of dough out into a long sausage and twisted it. The cheese straws then went into the oven to cook, the nursery smelt so nice. The children took their cooking home with them this week as they were not ready for snack time so I hope they shared them with their family.

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Published on 2nd February, 2024

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