05 May 2023

Van Gogh, Shopping Up High and a Picnic Fit for a King!

Another busy week in Thornton Heath Nursery.

The children have been looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh this week, recognising some of his work; from his less known, “The Potato Eaters” to his famous classics. The children have enjoyed looking closely at his paintings and discussing the feelings they evoke with their use of colour, texture and shape. Our creative areas are ever busy, and the children spent the week accessing paints and materials independently as always; mixing colours and creating their own works; some using Van Gogh’s works as direct inspiration , others using it as more of a starting point. There were some spectacular results, from sun flowers to starry nights!  A great opportunity to marry techniques, with one of our favourite artist Shozo Shimamoto’s methods also being employed to great effect.

Maria created a hand painted bike park. The children have been matching numerals, as each numbered bike has their own numbered parking space.

Karen completed her shop at the very top of the big climb. Rather than using role play toys, which means more plastic and more cost to the environment, Karen has fitted her shop out with natural materials. Not only good for the environment, but also good for developing our imagination and communication skills. Pine cones become ice creams and pebbles become the most delicious cookies in London. Of course, this also provides an important chance for children to develop  their number skills through play. They role play transactions and count out the quantities of produce and bottle cap coins! Important discussions are had developing understanding of the concept of value and the language around it.


Friday saw our Coronation Celebration picnic. We gave thanks for the sun and for the rain…just enough to keep are germinating seeds and fast rising potato plants happy!

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Published on 5th May, 2023

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