10 May 2024

Here comes the sun!

The children have had a cooking day this week and between us we made Vegetable burgers. The children had to combine chopped vegetables, breadcrumbs, onion and herbs. We added an egg and stirred everything together, once this was done the children made small balls out of the mixture and rolled it in to flour, next they flattened it with their hand to make a burger shape. For safety reasons, the adult had to cook the burgers as they needed to be fried. When the burgers were cooled down the children each tried one, they were very tasty.

We have been looking at mini-beasts this week. The children have been hunting in the secret garden for mini-beasts which had been pre-hidden by the adults. They had magnifying glasses and tweezers. The children used the magnifying glasses to closely observe any mini-beasts that they found and then tried to pick them up with the tweezers. Using the tweezers helps to build up the muscles in the hand which supports children to gain more control when using their fine motor skills. We will continue to look and discuss mini-beasts next week and we will be moving in different ways e.g. flapping like a butterfly, slithering like a snail and dancing like a bee to music. This will help develop the children’s gross motor skills, then we will be going on a mini-beast hunt.

As you know the sun has finally come out, so this means  lots of water play to keep us cool. The children have been filling jugs and containers with water which teaches them about capacity, we have been getting very wet but the glorious sun has dried us in time to go home!

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Published on 10th May, 2024

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