18 October 2024

Happy Holidays

This half term, Ladybird class have been very busy. Our returners welcomed the new children, supporting them patiently in the following of routines during the session.

We have been looking at the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky, the children have drawn their own interpretations of Kandinsky’s concentric circles and they look amazing.

We have also been learning about ourselves. Everyone is different and we all have our own favourite things, likes and dislikes e.g. food, drink toys etc. The children have also painted a self-portrait of themselves and this has been displayed in the class room for everyone to see.

As you know, the arrival of autumn means the creepy crawlies are out and about both inside and out! The children have been observing the mini beasts busy in our garden.   Each day, we go on a bug hunt around the setting, with the spider in her web captivating the children as they watched her repairing her web and even clearing it of leaves. We found out that it is the female spider that spins the web and how they trap their prey once by spinning the web around them so they cannot escape. The children thought putting a leaf in the web was food but actually the spider will work the leaf down the web until it falls out. This has been so fascinating for the children and adults to watch.

On behalf of Ladybird class, we would like to wish you all a good half term! Have lots of fun, we look forward to your return.

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Published on 18th October, 2024

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