09 June 2023

Fine motor challenges

Welcome back children we hope you had a good week off. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, at last we can finally say “Hello summer.”

This week the ladybird class have welcomed a new friend to their class, they have shown him around the nursery room, introduced him to all the children and shown him all the lovely resources they use and play with.

The children have been developing their fine motor skills this week, they have had the opportunity to use tweezers. Tweezers are very difficult to use, the children have to learn how to hold them correctly so they are able to pick up an object by pinching them together. After a lot of persevering most children achieved this and were very pleased with themselves.

The children have also been using the large foam blocks in the garden to build with. They need to be able to connect the bricks together before they can make their creation. The children have really enjoyed using these blocks and have done some fantastic building. Well done children.

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Published on 9th June, 2023

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