22 September 2023

Autumn’s Harvest Begins

We were too late to save some of our courgettes this week… who had a nibble we will never know for sure…could it have been Mrs Fox? Mr Squirrel? Surely the snails couldn’t bite a courgette in half?! Some children were convinced a bear had visited in the night, which forced Jackie to lead the children on a full bear hunt throughout the garden.  After making their way through all kinds of obstacles, the children can confirm there is only one friendly bear in Thornton Heath and she didn’t bite our courgette in half!  To prevent any more fruit and vegetable incidents our pumpkins and courgettes have been harvested and are safely awaiting our BBQ grill for next week’s Rainbow Feast!

Throughout the week, the children have had their eyes on the skies! Thunderous clouds rolled in and warned us of an impending storm…  rain poured and thunder clapped, and the lightening  gave us an exciting show.

Our first deliveries of conkers came in… our children have been set the challenge of collecting 10 conkers, 10 acorns and 10 pine cones whilst out and about with their families. Natural materials form an important part of our learning; not simply enabling us to learn about seasonal change and the natural world,  but also giving us the opportunity to collect, sort, create patterns, role play, explore sinking and floating, form artist creations and explore with all our senses texture, sound, resistance, size and volume. Mother nature really does provide a holistic classroom!

Next week our final harvest is going to take place, we have 5 pumpkins and 5 courgettes. They will roasted on our BBQ alongside bubble flat breads, red peppers and sweet potatoes to form our Rainbow Feast!

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Published on 22nd September, 2023

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