07 June 2024

The Doctor Will See You Now…

This week as always, the children led their play and learning. When some of our expired bandages were applied to role play wounds, Maria and Jackie saw the opportunity to transform the shelter into a Casualty Unit to rival the NHS’s finest. There was an influx of babies and children needing check ups, inoculations, saline drips and their wounds cleansing and dressing.

Learning about our communities and the people who help us is a long held Early Learning Goal. All whilst recognising our good fortune at living in the UK and having the wonderful NHS ready and waiting when we need it. All children have experienced Healthcare, so this activity builds up communication and language… not only through play scenarios but also through sharing occurrences from our family lives.

As our eldest children prepare to move on to their respective primary schools, we have begun our “Moving On” role play and discussions. How will school differ to THNS? What will you wear? What will you eat?  Many questions and lots of anticipation.

Our cucumber plants are now outside and thriving. The last count revealed 16 cucumber flowers with their little baby cucumbers just behind them. Seeing these plants and their fruit develop is a wonderful experience given the children’s experiences of cucumbers in Tesco!  We are observing the bees visiting the flowers, enabling the fruit to develop.

We are now on aphid watch with some of our sunflowers under attack…there seem to be many ants around too…something to investigate next week, perhaps with the help of David Attenborough!

Messy play saw a wonderfully gloopy, soapy concoction of  conditioner and cornflour. Fabulous mess with a fabulous perfume… a real treat for the senses; enabling both engrossed personal exploration as well as shared fun!

Next week, we shall be reading some books gifted to the children by Croydon Council, there is already slime curing in the cupboard and we hope to receive a gift of soft woods from our local timber merchants…perfect for our wood work table!

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Published on 7th June, 2024

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