Sadly, Ladybird class have to say good bye to the chicks today. The children have enjoyed having the opportunity to watch eggs hatch and observe a chick being born which has fascinated them. They have also had the chance to watch the chicks grow and become strong enough to be handled. The children were very excited that they were able to hold one of the chicks or stroke it. Most of the children were brave when holding the chick but there were a few that did not like the feel of their feet on their hands so were just happy to stroke them. Well done!
Also this week we have produced some art work by the artist Steven Brown. The children have had lots of fun doing this as they had to dip their fingers in different coloured paints then drag them across the paper. This got a little messy but was fun, we soon cleaned the children up!
Our large scale model is beginning to take shape, it now has a body and four legs and we are hoping to complete it by next week. This has been a good project to work on with the children as it has taught them how to work together and how different media can be combined to produce a work of art.
The children also had fun making their own pizza, they chose what they wanted to put on it. It was then cooked and the children ate it at snack time, it was very yummy so we shared it with the big room next door.